/** * FingerprintJS v3.3.3 - Copyright (c) FingerprintJS, Inc, 2022 (https://fingerprintjs.com) * Licensed under the MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) license. * * This software contains code from open-source projects: * MurmurHash3 by Karan Lyons (https://github.com/karanlyons/murmurHash3.js) */ var e = function () { return e = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t, n = 1, r = arguments.length; n < r; n++)for (var a in t = arguments[n]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, a) && (e[a] = t[a]); return e }, e.apply(this, arguments) }; function t(e, t, n, r) { return new (n || (n = Promise))((function (a, o) { function i(e) { try { u(r.next(e)) } catch (t) { o(t) } } function c(e) { try { u(r.throw(e)) } catch (t) { o(t) } } function u(e) { var t; e.done ? a(e.value) : (t = e.value, t instanceof n ? t : new n((function (e) { e(t) }))).then(i, c) } u((r = r.apply(e, t || [])).next()) })) } function n(e, t) { var n, r, a, o, i = { label: 0, sent: function () { if (1 & a[0]) throw a[1]; return a[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return o = { next: c(0), throw: c(1), return: c(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (o[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this }), o; function c(o) { return function (c) { return function (o) { if (n) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; i;)try { if (n = 1, r && (a = 2 & o[0] ? r.return : o[0] ? r.throw || ((a = r.return) && a.call(r), 0) : r.next) && !(a = a.call(r, o[1])).done) return a; switch (r = 0, a && (o = [2 & o[0], a.value]), o[0]) { case 0: case 1: a = o; break; case 4: return i.label++, { value: o[1], done: !1 }; case 5: i.label++, r = o[1], o = [0]; continue; case 7: o = i.ops.pop(), i.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!(a = i.trys, (a = a.length > 0 && a[a.length - 1]) || 6 !== o[0] && 2 !== o[0])) { i = 0; continue } if (3 === o[0] && (!a || o[1] > a[0] && o[1] < a[3])) { i.label = o[1]; break } if (6 === o[0] && i.label < a[1]) { i.label = a[1], a = o; break } if (a && i.label < a[2]) { i.label = a[2], i.ops.push(o); break } a[2] && i.ops.pop(), i.trys.pop(); continue }o = t.call(e, i) } catch (c) { o = [6, c], r = 0 } finally { n = a = 0 } if (5 & o[0]) throw o[1]; return { value: o[0] ? o[1] : void 0, done: !0 } }([o, c]) } } } function r() { for (var e = 0, t = 0, n = arguments.length; t < n; t++)e += arguments[t].length; var r = Array(e), a = 0; for (t = 0; t < n; t++)for (var o = arguments[t], i = 0, c = o.length; i < c; i++, a++)r[a] = o[i]; return r } function a(e, t) { return new Promise((function (n) { return setTimeout(n, e, t) })) } function o(e, t) { try { var n = e(); (r = n) && "function" == typeof r.then ? n.then((function (e) { return t(!0, e) }), (function (e) { return t(!1, e) })) : t(!0, n) } catch (a) { t(!1, a) } var r } function i(e, r, o) { return void 0 === o && (o = 16), t(this, void 0, void 0, (function () { var t, i, c; return n(this, (function (n) { switch (n.label) { case 0: t = Date.now(), i = 0, n.label = 1; case 1: return i < e.length ? (r(e[i], i), (c = Date.now()) >= t + o ? (t = c, [4, a(0)]) : [3, 3]) : [3, 4]; case 2: n.sent(), n.label = 3; case 3: return ++i, [3, 1]; case 4: return [2] } })) })) } function c(e, t) { e = [e[0] >>> 16, 65535 & e[0], e[1] >>> 16, 65535 & e[1]], t = [t[0] >>> 16, 65535 & t[0], t[1] >>> 16, 65535 & t[1]]; var n = [0, 0, 0, 0]; return n[3] += e[3] + t[3], n[2] += n[3] >>> 16, n[3] &= 65535, n[2] += e[2] + t[2], n[1] += n[2] >>> 16, n[2] &= 65535, n[1] += e[1] + t[1], n[0] += n[1] >>> 16, n[1] &= 65535, n[0] += e[0] + t[0], n[0] &= 65535, [n[0] << 16 | n[1], n[2] << 16 | n[3]] } function u(e, t) { e = [e[0] >>> 16, 65535 & e[0], e[1] >>> 16, 65535 & e[1]], t = [t[0] >>> 16, 65535 & t[0], t[1] >>> 16, 65535 & t[1]]; var n = [0, 0, 0, 0]; return n[3] += e[3] * t[3], n[2] += n[3] >>> 16, n[3] &= 65535, n[2] += e[2] * t[3], n[1] += n[2] >>> 16, n[2] &= 65535, n[2] += e[3] * t[2], n[1] += n[2] >>> 16, n[2] &= 65535, n[1] += e[1] * t[3], n[0] += n[1] >>> 16, n[1] &= 65535, n[1] += e[2] * t[2], n[0] += n[1] >>> 16, n[1] &= 65535, n[1] += e[3] * t[1], n[0] += n[1] >>> 16, n[1] &= 65535, n[0] += e[0] * t[3] + e[1] * t[2] + e[2] * t[1] + e[3] * t[0], n[0] &= 65535, [n[0] << 16 | n[1], n[2] << 16 | n[3]] } function s(e, t) { return 32 === (t %= 64) ? [e[1], e[0]] : t < 32 ? [e[0] << t | e[1] >>> 32 - t, e[1] << t | e[0] >>> 32 - t] : (t -= 32, [e[1] << t | e[0] >>> 32 - t, e[0] << t | e[1] >>> 32 - t]) } function l(e, t) { return 0 === (t %= 64) ? e : t < 32 ? [e[0] << t | e[1] >>> 32 - t, e[1] << t] : [e[1] << t - 32, 0] } function d(e, t) { return [e[0] ^ t[0], e[1] ^ t[1]] } function f(e) { return e = d(e, [0, e[0] >>> 1]), e = d(e = u(e, [4283543511, 3981806797]), [0, e[0] >>> 1]), e = d(e = u(e, [3301882366, 444984403]), [0, e[0] >>> 1]) } function h(e, t) { t = t || 0; var n, r = (e = e || "").length % 16, a = e.length - r, o = [0, t], i = [0, t], h = [0, 0], v = [0, 0], p = [2277735313, 289559509], m = [1291169091, 658871167]; for (n = 0; n < a; n += 16)h = [255 & e.charCodeAt(n + 4) | (255 & e.charCodeAt(n + 5)) << 8 | (255 & e.charCodeAt(n + 6)) << 16 | (255 & e.charCodeAt(n + 7)) << 24, 255 & e.charCodeAt(n) | (255 & e.charCodeAt(n + 1)) << 8 | (255 & e.charCodeAt(n + 2)) << 16 | (255 & e.charCodeAt(n + 3)) << 24], v = [255 & e.charCodeAt(n + 12) | (255 & e.charCodeAt(n + 13)) << 8 | (255 & e.charCodeAt(n + 14)) << 16 | (255 & e.charCodeAt(n + 15)) << 24, 255 & e.charCodeAt(n + 8) | (255 & e.charCodeAt(n + 9)) << 8 | (255 & e.charCodeAt(n + 10)) << 16 | (255 & e.charCodeAt(n + 11)) << 24], h = s(h = u(h, p), 31), o = c(o = s(o = d(o, h = u(h, m)), 27), i), o = c(u(o, [0, 5]), [0, 1390208809]), v = s(v = u(v, m), 33), i = c(i = s(i = d(i, v = u(v, p)), 31), o), i = c(u(i, [0, 5]), [0, 944331445]); switch (h = [0, 0], v = [0, 0], r) { case 15: v = d(v, l([0, e.charCodeAt(n + 14)], 48)); case 14: v = d(v, l([0, e.charCodeAt(n + 13)], 40)); case 13: v = d(v, l([0, e.charCodeAt(n + 12)], 32)); case 12: v = d(v, l([0, e.charCodeAt(n + 11)], 24)); case 11: v = d(v, l([0, e.charCodeAt(n + 10)], 16)); case 10: v = d(v, l([0, e.charCodeAt(n + 9)], 8)); case 9: v = u(v = d(v, [0, e.charCodeAt(n + 8)]), m), i = d(i, v = u(v = s(v, 33), p)); case 8: h = d(h, l([0, e.charCodeAt(n + 7)], 56)); case 7: h = d(h, l([0, e.charCodeAt(n + 6)], 48)); case 6: h = d(h, l([0, e.charCodeAt(n + 5)], 40)); case 5: h = d(h, l([0, e.charCodeAt(n + 4)], 32)); case 4: h = d(h, l([0, e.charCodeAt(n + 3)], 24)); case 3: h = d(h, l([0, e.charCodeAt(n + 2)], 16)); case 2: h = d(h, l([0, e.charCodeAt(n + 1)], 8)); case 1: h = u(h = d(h, [0, e.charCodeAt(n)]), p), o = d(o, h = u(h = s(h, 31), m)) }return o = c(o = d(o, [0, e.length]), i = d(i, [0, e.length])), i = c(i, o), o = c(o = f(o), i = f(i)), i = c(i, o), ("00000000" + (o[0] >>> 0).toString(16)).slice(-8) + ("00000000" + (o[1] >>> 0).toString(16)).slice(-8) + ("00000000" + (i[0] >>> 0).toString(16)).slice(-8) + ("00000000" + (i[1] >>> 0).toString(16)).slice(-8) } function v(e) { return parseInt(e) } function p(e) { return parseFloat(e) } function m(e, t) { return "number" == typeof e && isNaN(e) ? t : e } function g(e) { return e.reduce((function (e, t) { return e + (t ? 1 : 0) }), 0) } function b(e, t) { if (void 0 === t && (t = 1), Math.abs(t) >= 1) return Math.round(e / t) * t; var n = 1 / t; return Math.round(e * n) / n } function w(e) { return e && "object" == typeof e && "message" in e ? e : { message: e } } function y(e, r, c) { var u = Object.keys(e).filter((function (e) { return !function (e, t) { for (var n = 0, r = e.length; n < r; ++n)if (e[n] === t) return !0; return !1 }(c, e) })), s = Array(u.length); return i(u, (function (t, n) { s[n] = function (e, t) { var n = function (e) { return "function" != typeof e }, r = new Promise((function (r) { var a = Date.now(); o(e.bind(null, t), (function () { for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++)e[t] = arguments[t]; var i = Date.now() - a; if (!e[0]) return r((function () { return { error: w(e[1]), duration: i } })); var c = e[1]; if (n(c)) return r((function () { return { value: c, duration: i } })); r((function () { return new Promise((function (e) { var t = Date.now(); o(c, (function () { for (var n = [], r = 0; r < arguments.length; r++)n[r] = arguments[r]; var a = i + Date.now() - t; if (!n[0]) return e({ error: w(n[1]), duration: a }); e({ value: n[1], duration: a }) })) })) })) })) })); return function () { return r.then((function (e) { return e() })) } }(e[t], r) })), function () { return t(this, void 0, void 0, (function () { var e, t, r, o, c, l; return n(this, (function (d) { switch (d.label) { case 0: for (e = {}, t = 0, r = u; t < r.length; t++)o = r[t], e[o] = void 0; c = Array(u.length), l = function () { var t; return n(this, (function (n) { switch (n.label) { case 0: return t = !0, [4, i(u, (function (n, r) { c[r] || (s[r] ? c[r] = s[r]().then((function (t) { return e[n] = t })) : t = !1) }))]; case 1: return n.sent(), t ? [2, "break"] : [4, a(1)]; case 2: return n.sent(), [2] } })) }, d.label = 1; case 1: return [5, l()]; case 2: if ("break" === d.sent()) return [3, 4]; d.label = 3; case 3: return [3, 1]; case 4: return [4, Promise.all(c)]; case 5: return d.sent(), [2, e] } })) })) } } function k() { var e = window, t = navigator; return g(["MSCSSMatrix" in e, "msSetImmediate" in e, "msIndexedDB" in e, "msMaxTouchPoints" in t, "msPointerEnabled" in t]) >= 4 } function C() { var e = window, t = navigator; return g(["msWriteProfilerMark" in e, "MSStream" in e, "msLaunchUri" in t, "msSaveBlob" in t]) >= 3 && !k() } function A() { var e = window, t = navigator; return g(["webkitPersistentStorage" in t, "webkitTemporaryStorage" in t, 0 === t.vendor.indexOf("Google"), "webkitResolveLocalFileSystemURL" in e, "BatteryManager" in e, "webkitMediaStream" in e, "webkitSpeechGrammar" in e]) >= 5 } function x() { var e = window, t = navigator; return g(["ApplePayError" in e, "CSSPrimitiveValue" in e, "Counter" in e, 0 === t.vendor.indexOf("Apple"), "getStorageUpdates" in t, "WebKitMediaKeys" in e]) >= 4 } function S() { var e = window; return g(["safari" in e, !("DeviceMotionEvent" in e), !("ongestureend" in e), !("standalone" in navigator)]) >= 3 } function M() { var e, t, n = window; return g(["buildID" in navigator, "MozAppearance" in (null !== (t = null === (e = document.documentElement) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.style) && void 0 !== t ? t : {}), "onmozfullscreenchange" in n, "mozInnerScreenX" in n, "CSSMozDocumentRule" in n, "CanvasCaptureMediaStream" in n]) >= 4 } function P() { var e = document; return e.fullscreenElement || e.msFullscreenElement || e.mozFullScreenElement || e.webkitFullscreenElement || null } function _() { var e = A(), t = M(); if (!e && !t) return !1; var n = window; return g(["onorientationchange" in n, "orientation" in n, e && !("SharedWorker" in n), t && /android/i.test(navigator.appVersion)]) >= 2 } function T(e) { var t = new Error(e); return t.name = e, t } function E(e, r, o) { var i, c, u; return void 0 === o && (o = 50), t(this, void 0, void 0, (function () { var t, s; return n(this, (function (n) { switch (n.label) { case 0: t = document, n.label = 1; case 1: return t.body ? [3, 3] : [4, a(o)]; case 2: return n.sent(), [3, 1]; case 3: s = t.createElement("iframe"), n.label = 4; case 4: return n.trys.push([4, , 10, 11]), [4, new Promise((function (e, n) { var a = !1, o = function () { a = !0, e() }; s.onload = o, s.onerror = function (e) { a = !0, n(e) }; var i = s.style; i.setProperty("display", "block", "important"), i.position = "absolute", i.top = "0", i.left = "0", i.visibility = "hidden", r && "srcdoc" in s ? s.srcdoc = r : s.src = "about:blank", t.body.appendChild(s); var c = function () { var e, t; a || ("complete" === (null === (t = null === (e = s.contentWindow) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.document) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.readyState) ? o() : setTimeout(c, 10)) }; c() }))]; case 5: n.sent(), n.label = 6; case 6: return (null === (c = null === (i = s.contentWindow) || void 0 === i ? void 0 : i.document) || void 0 === c ? void 0 : c.body) ? [3, 8] : [4, a(o)]; case 7: return n.sent(), [3, 6]; case 8: return [4, e(s, s.contentWindow)]; case 9: return [2, n.sent()]; case 10: return null === (u = s.parentNode) || void 0 === u || u.removeChild(s), [7]; case 11: return [2] } })) })) } function z(e) { for (var t = function (e) { for (var t, n, r = "Unexpected syntax '" + e + "'", a = /^\s*([a-z-]*)(.*)$/i.exec(e), o = a[1] || void 0, i = {}, c = /([.:#][\w-]+|\[.+?\])/gi, u = function (e, t) { i[e] = i[e] || [], i[e].push(t) }; ;) { var s = c.exec(a[2]); if (!s) break; var l = s[0]; switch (l[0]) { case ".": u("class", l.slice(1)); break; case "#": u("id", l.slice(1)); break; case "[": var d = /^\[([\w-]+)([~|^$*]?=("(.*?)"|([\w-]+)))?(\s+[is])?\]$/.exec(l); if (!d) throw new Error(r); u(d[1], null !== (n = null !== (t = d[4]) && void 0 !== t ? t : d[5]) && void 0 !== n ? n : ""); break; default: throw new Error(r) } } return [o, i] }(e), n = t[0], r = t[1], a = document.createElement(null != n ? n : "div"), o = 0, i = Object.keys(r); o < i.length; o++) { var c = i[o], u = r[c].join(" "); "style" === c ? D(a.style, u) : a.setAttribute(c, u) } return a } function D(e, t) { for (var n = 0, r = t.split(";"); n < r.length; n++) { var a = r[n], o = /^\s*([\w-]+)\s*:\s*(.+?)(\s*!([\w-]+))?\s*$/.exec(a); if (o) { var i = o[1], c = o[2], u = o[4]; e.setProperty(i, c, u || "") } } } var L = ["monospace", "sans-serif", "serif"], I = ["sans-serif-thin", "ARNO PRO", "Agency FB", "Arabic Typesetting", "Arial Unicode MS", "AvantGarde Bk BT", "BankGothic Md BT", "Batang", "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", "Calibri", "Century", "Century Gothic", "Clarendon", "EUROSTILE", "Franklin Gothic", "Futura Bk BT", "Futura Md BT", "GOTHAM", "Gill Sans", "HELV", "Haettenschweiler", "Helvetica Neue", "Humanst521 BT", "Leelawadee", "Letter Gothic", "Levenim MT", "Lucida Bright", "Lucida Sans", "Menlo", "MS Mincho", "MS Outlook", "MS Reference Specialty", "MS UI Gothic", "MT Extra", "MYRIAD PRO", "Marlett", "Meiryo UI", "Microsoft Uighur", "Minion Pro", "Monotype Corsiva", "PMingLiU", "Pristina", "SCRIPTINA", "Segoe UI Light", "Serifa", "SimHei", "Small Fonts", "Staccato222 BT", "TRAJAN PRO", "Univers CE 55 Medium", "Vrinda", "ZWAdobeF"]; function B(e) { return e.rect(0, 0, 10, 10), e.rect(2, 2, 6, 6), !e.isPointInPath(5, 5, "evenodd") } function O(e, t) { e.width = 240, e.height = 60, t.textBaseline = "alphabetic", t.fillStyle = "#f60", t.fillRect(100, 1, 62, 20), t.fillStyle = "#069", t.font = '11pt "Times New Roman"'; var n = "Cwm fjordbank gly " + String.fromCharCode(55357, 56835); return t.fillText(n, 2, 15), t.fillStyle = "rgba(102, 204, 0, 0.2)", t.font = "18pt Arial", t.fillText(n, 4, 45), R(e) } function F(e, t) { e.width = 122, e.height = 110, t.globalCompositeOperation = "multiply"; for (var n = 0, r = [["#f2f", 40, 40], ["#2ff", 80, 40], ["#ff2", 60, 80]]; n < r.length; n++) { var a = r[n], o = a[0], i = a[1], c = a[2]; t.fillStyle = o, t.beginPath(), t.arc(i, c, 40, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !0), t.closePath(), t.fill() } return t.fillStyle = "#f9c", t.arc(60, 60, 60, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !0), t.arc(60, 60, 20, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !0), t.fill("evenodd"), R(e) } function R(e) { return e.toDataURL() } var G, j; function U() { var e = this; return function () { if (void 0 === j) { var e = function () { var t = N(); W(t) ? j = setTimeout(e, 2500) : (G = t, j = void 0) }; e() } }(), function () { return t(e, void 0, void 0, (function () { var e; return n(this, (function (t) { switch (t.label) { case 0: return W(e = N()) ? G ? [2, r(G)] : P() ? [4, (n = document, (n.exitFullscreen || n.msExitFullscreen || n.mozCancelFullScreen || n.webkitExitFullscreen).call(n))] : [3, 2] : [3, 2]; case 1: t.sent(), e = N(), t.label = 2; case 2: return W(e) || (G = e), [2, e] }var n })) })) } } function N() { var e = screen; return [m(p(e.availTop), null), m(p(e.width) - p(e.availWidth) - m(p(e.availLeft), 0), null), m(p(e.height) - p(e.availHeight) - m(p(e.availTop), 0), null), m(p(e.availLeft), null)] } function W(e) { for (var t = 0; t < 4; ++t)if (e[t]) return !1; return !0 } var q = { abpIndo: ["#Iklan-Melayang", "#Kolom-Iklan-728", "#SidebarIklan-wrapper", 'a[title="7naga poker" i]', '[title="ALIENBOLA" i]'], abpvn: ["#quangcaomb", ".iosAdsiosAds-layout", ".quangcao", '[href^="https://r88.vn/"]', '[href^="https://zbet.vn/"]'], adBlockFinland: [".mainostila", ".sponsorit", ".ylamainos", 'a[href*="/clickthrgh.asp?"]', 'a[href^="https://app.readpeak.com/ads"]'], adBlockPersian: ["#navbar_notice_50", 'a[href^="http://g1.v.fwmrm.net/ad/"]', 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(e = Object.keys(q), [4, H((o = []).concat.apply(o, e.map((function (e) { return q[e] }))))]) : [2, void 0]; case 1: return t = n.sent(), r && function (e) { for (var t = "DOM blockers debug:\n```", n = 0, r = Object.keys(q); n < r.length; n++) { var a = r[n]; t += "\n" + a + ":"; for (var o = 0, i = q[a]; o < i.length; o++) { var c = i[o]; t += "\n " + c + " " + (e[c] ? "🚫" : "➡️") } } console.log(t + "\n```") }(t), (a = e.filter((function (e) { var n = q[e]; return g(n.map((function (e) { return t[e] }))) > .6 * n.length }))).sort(), [2, a] } })) })) }, fontPreferences: function () { return function (e, t) { void 0 === t && (t = 4e3); return E((function (n, a) { var o = a.document, i = o.body, c = i.style; c.width = t + "px", c.webkitTextSizeAdjust = c.textSizeAdjust = "none", A() ? i.style.zoom = "" + 1 / a.devicePixelRatio : x() && (i.style.zoom = "reset"); var u = o.createElement("div"); return u.textContent = r(Array(t / 20 << 0)).map((function () { return "word" })).join(" "), i.appendChild(u), e(o, i) }), '') }((function (e, t) { for (var n = {}, r = {}, a = 0, o = Object.keys(ee); a < o.length; a++) { var i = o[a], c = ee[i], u = c[0], s = void 0 === u ? {} : u, l = c[1], d = void 0 === l ? 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"error" : JSON.stringify(o.value); t += (t ? "|" : "") + a.replace(/([:|\\])/g, "\\$1") + ":" + i } return t }(e)) } function oe(e) { return void 0 === e && (e = 50), function (e, t) { void 0 === t && (t = 1 / 0); var n = window.requestIdleCallback; return n ? new Promise((function (e) { return n.call(window, (function () { return e() }), { timeout: t }) })) : a(Math.min(e, t)) }(e, 2 * e) } function ie(e, r) { var a = Date.now(); return { get: function (o) { return t(this, void 0, void 0, (function () { var t, i, c; return n(this, (function (n) { switch (n.label) { case 0: return t = Date.now(), [4, e()]; case 1: return i = n.sent(), c = function (e) { var t; return { get visitorId() { return void 0 === t && (t = ae(this.components)), t }, set visitorId(e) { t = e }, confidence: ne(e), components: e, version: "3.3.3" } }(i), (r || (null == o ? void 0 : o.debug)) && console.log("Copy the text below to get the debug data:\n\n```\nversion: " + c.version + "\nuserAgent: " + navigator.userAgent + "\ntimeBetweenLoadAndGet: " + (t - a) + "\nvisitorId: " + c.visitorId + "\ncomponents: " + re(i) + "\n```"), [2, c] } })) })) } } } function ce(e) { var r = void 0 === e ? {} : e, a = r.delayFallback, o = r.debug; return r.monitoring, t(this, void 0, void 0, (function () { return n(this, (function (e) { switch (e.label) { case 0: return [4, oe(a)]; case 1: return e.sent(), [2, ie(y(te, { debug: o }, []), o)] } })) })) } var ue = { load: ce, hashComponents: ae, componentsToDebugString: re }, se = h;